Important events which lead to its Establishment:
  • Government of India, in June, 2013, approved the scheme for ‘Establishment of Model Rural Health Research Units (MRHRUs) in the States’ during the 12th Plan period as a path- breaking initiative to develop/strength the health research infrastructure in the country to fulfil the newly allocated function of the Department of Health Research related to the “Promotion, Coordination and Development of Basic, Applied and Clinical Research”.
  • Foundation stone of MRHRU Haroli was laid in 2014.
  • Building constructed by HPPWD and activities in new building setup started in November 2016.
  • The Model Rural Health Research Unit (MRHRU) being established at Haroli is a partnership between the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Himachal Pradesh; The Dr Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College, Tanda and the National JALMA Institute for Leprosy and other Mycobacterial Diseases (NJIL& OMD), Agra. The funding for the Unit is from the Department of Health Research, MOHFW/GOI through the NJIL & OMD, Agra.
Commencement of work and present status of execution of Research Projects recommended by LRAC
S. No. Research Activities Present Status Publications
1. Completed Projects 20 11
2. Ongoing Projects 03 -
3. Total 23 11
Gains to the Community and the State:
  • The faculties of DrRajendra Prasad Government Medical College, Tanda at Kangra, DrRadhakrishnan Government Medical College, Hamirpur and Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla are using the facilities of this research unit.
  • MRHRU have improved the quality of training and helped to build skills.
  • 276 health professionals (including 2 Medical Doctors, 10 Health worker, 237 ASHA workers and 27 project staff) trained through various trainings under different research activities.
  • Specialized workshops on Operational research to guide and motivate to medical college faculty for research have been organized.
  • Regular IEC activities are being organized in MRHRU campus, High Schools, Anganwadi centers and health facilities.
  • A part from the above, the impact made due to the research programs carried out at the unit are tabulated in Annexure I.
  • The technology developed by the ICMR (Technology Developers) is being transferred to Rural Community (AV Magnivisualizer based Cervical Cancer Screening) patented by NICPR- National Institute of Cancer prevention and Research on project mode.
Supervision & Monitoring Plan
  • Research Advisory Committee (RAC), MRHRU
  • Monthly Review Meeting with Block Medical officer, Haroli at MRHRU
  • Institute Ethics Committee (IEC)